Workshop 2/19, 25.9.19. 11.15, Berne Workshop 2/19, 25.9.19. 11.15, Berne

Dear Members

We are back with a new date for the Workshop and an enhanced program:

European Promotion of Innovation for Companies – European Innovation Council EIC

25 September 2019, 11.15, at the Euresearch Network Office in Berne

The EIC is an initiative that will provide a novel mix of grants, loans and equity to help start-ups or small technology companies expand into world-class “unicorns”. The EIC is capable of supporting ideas from all areas of technology or business sector, including novel combinations of technologies and business models. Support ranges from feasibility study stage to development to scale-up.

Please share this invitation with your start-ups. It will open a door for them to new financing opportunities.

Here you can find the detailed programm

Please register until 18 Sep via mail to Michel Reymond.

With many thanks and looking forward, René