Rescheduled: Workshop 1/21, Fri, 27 Aug 2021, 11.30

Rescheduled: Workshop 1/21, Fri, 27 Aug 2021, 11.30

Dear Members

In our next workshop, we are going to address for the first time a very special topic:
What are the consequences of the climate crisis for my center?

Sooner or later, you will be confronted with this issue, and here you will be introduced to and advised on how to handle it.
Please take advantage of this unique opportunity, you will not see another event on this topic.

The EPFL Innovation Park will share his experience on how to become climate neutral.

Proven experts from the business will introduce you to the topic and show you which paths lead to climate neutrality.
Attached you find the invitation and program to our Workshop which will take place on Friday, 27 August 2021, 11.30 as a Zoom video conference.

Please register until Aug 20, via Michel Reymond michel.reymond@impacthub.netThank you!
The members registered will receive the Zoom Link which will enable them to join our meeting.

Looking forward, with my many thanks and take care,

René Hausammann


Here you can find the detailed program